In Long Beach, DENSO Sales California associates go shopping at local grocery stores to purchase turkeys and other food items to support needy families with Thanksgiving meals.
In Long Beach, DENSO Sales California associates go shopping at local grocery stores to purchase turkeys and other food items to support needy families with Thanksgiving meals.
It wasn’t a lazy day at the beach for more than 70 DENSO Sales California volunteers. Instead of hitting the waves, they combed the shoreline in Long Beach, Calif. for trash during the First Annual Beach Clean-up Day. By the end of the event, they collected seven large bags full of trash and debris, which included items as large as six-foot pieces of wood and as small as pellets of plastic.
During the Beach Clean-up event, volunteers rescued a sting ray found with a hook in its mouth, left by a careless fisherman. She was taken to the San Pedro Aquarium where a veterinarian removed the hook and released her into the ocean in a no-fishing zone. Turns out, she was pregnant!