Archive for the ‘Management Principles’ Category


DENSO Manufacturing Michigan (DMMI) typically has 10-15 year service agreements for parts built for our customers. That adds up to a lot of parts covering a wide range of model years—and a lot of data and components that have to be maintained or ordered to meet these agreements.

Here, from left, are Patti Ackley, Vince McNally, Michelle Petersen and Cindy Bosserd of DMMI’s Service Parts operations, which have received awards from both Honda and Subaru for performance excellence.

This is positive feedback for DENSO, a company that works diligently to improve customer satisfaction and further bolster our reputation as an efficient, trustworthy supplier in this rapidly changing automotive industry.

Full Compliance

Each of our North American companies conducts an annual internal audit of financial reports, policies and procedures to demonstrate they are in compliance with the law. Additionally, our public accounting firm performs audits to ensure our internal assessment is accurate. Our goal is to have no reportable deficiencies identified by our public accounting firm.