Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Heat Reclamation

Ceiling ducts draw wasted heat from furnaces at DENSO Manufacturing Michigan in Battle Creek and transport it to cooler areas of the plant. The reclaimed heat reduces natural gas consumption by more than 33 million cubic feet and CO2 emissions by 3.9 million pounds.

Related Story: Reclamation Fever

More Information:

Environmental Compliance

DENSO Manufacturing Canada (DMCN) is committed to meeting Canadian federal, provincial and municipal environmental requirements for air, water and land.


We ensure that our growth continues to be in compliance with the Environmental Protection Act, ensuring new equipment is documented in our Environmental Compliance Approvals (formerly Certificate of Air).


We conduct annual water sampling to ensure we consistently meet the City of Guelph’s sanitary and sewer limits.


We take pride in our Zero-Landfill Policy and conduct annual Waste Audits in compliance to Ontario Regulation 102/94, Waste Audits & Waste Reduction Work Plans.

In addition, we support Toxics Reduction Act 2009 and Ontario Regulation 455/09, reporting and transparency requirements by analyzing and reporting DMCN’s toxic substances every year and continuously investigating options to reduce them.  DMCN’s Toxic Reduction Plan Summary can be accessed here .