Archive for the ‘Society’ Category

Disaster Relief

The DENSO North America Foundation (DNAF) awards funds to the American Red Cross to assist people and communities affected by natural disasters in North American locations where DENSO operates. Below, Richard Shiozaki, DNAF Board Member, presents a check for victims of Southern California wildfires. DENSO has three companies in California.

Spring Storms Relief

DENSO Manufacturing Athens Tennessee (DMAT) dispatched a team of employees out into the community on May 11, 2011 to help with local clean-up and relief activities. The Relief Team was made up of employees from all levels and all areas of the company (Front Row: Shane Burris, Cayci Hicks, Joe Malone, Darren Rowland / Back Row: Richard Weir, Tony Sullivan, Jeff Pike, Peggy Martin, Tracy Kirksey, Pam Toomey, Bart Toomey)

Additionally, DMAT donated $10,000 to the local United Way’s American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.